The Iridoid Difference


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Why TNI is 4ME Fred Holman Interview

Recently Floyd Holdman was recognized for earning over $5,000 in Fast Start Bonus checks in a single month.

Floyd has been one of our strongest, most dedicated leaders since our company was founded in 1996, and continues to be a pillar of strength in the TNI organization.

We caught up with Floyd to talk about his recent success, and his thoughts about TNI.


TNI: What is your overall philosophy as a TNI distributor?

Floyd Holdman: Every wealth creator is clear about two things: a vision and a mission. Ann and I have made John Wadsworth’s vision on that hilltop in Nuka Hiva our own. There is a big difference in believing in something and knowing it. We don’t just believe in Tahitian Noni International and Tahitian Noni, we know it is the best thing out there. We know we are changing lives for the better.

Once you have this knowledge, nothing can stop you. When you know what you are doing is right and that you are being of service to others, never let another person dictate your actions. Look at yourself as a “Wealth Creator” not a wealth taker.

TNI: You have been a TNI distributor since 1996, and yet your organization continues to thrive. How do you create this activity?

FH: Ann and I pray every night that the Lord will put people in our path to share the good news about what we are as a company and our product. People need what we have and since I have gone through my warm market many years ago I have to develop new friends and new interest. I always wear my TNI logo shirts and hats,etc. You never know who may be looking for what you have.

You are paid to “Tell the Story”. The more you “Tell the Story” the more success you will have. I am constantly making new friends as I travel and go about my daily life. If I spark a persons interest I send them to my web site ant or for more information.

Of course I also get their personal information and email them a follow-up presentation that will match what I know their interest is because I have asked them questions about themselves. Are they interested in the juice, the opportunity, helping others or making money. I actually haven’t sent out printed material in years. I use the Internet — my site (which links to TNI’s site), or TNI’s site. The new TNI site is excellent. Nothing sells like success and TNI’s site has it all right there. If you are not successful yet, show them someone who is. Remember, success by association. More on that later.

TNI: How did you reach your great FSB achievement?

FH: I wrote down my goals for this year in January and look at them everyday. I have reached them all. Why? Because they have become a part of my subconscious mind. What you expect will happen if it is combined with action. Dream big and never stop reaching for the top. Prove yourself right!

TNI: How can others have the same success?

FH: Remember that you are sorting people and not convincing them. There are people looking for you, it is your job to find them. Ask your self, “Would I like to have myself as a sponsor?”

TNI: What advice would you give to your fellow TNI distributors?

FH: In this business you get somewhere by helping others get there. You must remember that goals are aspirations until they become reality, then they are responsibilities. Once you sponsor someone you don’t forget about them. You are not a hunter that moves on the next kill; you are a gardener who nurtures and feeds the plant until it is mature.

Help your organization make their prospect sheets, do 3-way calls and have meetings or what ever it takes to help them have success. One word of caution: You cannot do it for them. It is like a dance, I take a step, they take a step. If they stop dancing, I no longer dance. I do not dance with dead bodies. I am there to help them but not to do the work for them. In the end, the greatest success that you will ever know is in helping others to succeed and grow.

TNI: What is your strategy?

FH: My first goal is to help someone get a Fast Start check and then keep working downline in helping more people in the new group get Fast start checks. it takes no more effort to help the fifth level get a fast start check that it did to help your personally sponsored new person get one. But now your effort helps 5 people get a check instead of just one as it was with your front level person. Focus on your people more than your profits.

If you surround yourself with happy, positive people who will support your dreams, more than often your dreams will tend to become reality. Run away from people with negative attitudes. If you surround yourself with leaders, you will eventually become one too.

The most common cause of failure is quitting. Have faith in the future and the “how to” will work itself out. The answers will come. Your own attitude will paint your future.

Can not, will not is not in my vocabulary.

TNI: What does this achievement mean for your business and your life in general?

FH: Lead by example! How can I expect my organization to do things that I myself am not willing to do? I don’t teach “Theory” I teach “Reality” I teach the things that I myself have done. The things that have worked and the things that have not worked. One of the biggest problems that people have is to listen to non-experts and have their dreams destroyed. Don’t run around with other people who are considering giving up! Surround yourself with people who will not quit! You are the reflection of the people you spend your time with.

Sure, there are challenges, but what in life doesn’t have challenges? The true measure of character is not what does it take to motivate you but what does it take to discourage you. building an organization in 76 countries has not been easy but it has definitely been worth it.

And I am not the one who has done it all either, it has been the Evergreen Team, leaders from around the world who have seen the vision of Tahitian Noni and joined in our quest to take this opportunity to the world. Without all of them I would not be where I am. I look at my self as the match that lights the spark and then my responsibilities is to fan the flames until it burns around the world.

TNI: What’s next for you and your organization?

FH: I am set to prove that the best years for Tahitian Noni International is still in the future. Sure, the past has been great but the future is going to be even better. Our greatest growth is still to come. The only question is, “Will you be there?”

Congratulations to Floyd and Ann Holdman and their entire Evergreen team!

Congratulations to my Fellows TNI Associates!